About this school
Iwate Spintronics School aims at discussing cutting-edge research topics, providing a chance
for young
doctoral and post-doctoral researchers to present their work, and offering local students opportunities to
interact with international leading researchers.
- Asst. Prof. Koichi Oyanagi
Iwate University
- Dr. Ryo Iguchi
National Institute for Materials Science
- Asst. Prof. Ryuhei Kohno
Tohoku University
- Prof. Gerit Bauer
Tohoku University
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences,
University of the Chinese Academiy of
contact: iwate-spintronics-school-2024com
Event Details
welcome reception: February 19th
school: February 20th-22nd
Iwate University and Amihari-onsen Kyukamura
Registration has been closed.
Invited Speakers: (in alphabetical order)
- Prof. Dazhi Hou
University of Science and Technology, China
- Prof. Johan Åkerman
University of Gothenburg
- Prof. Mathias Kläui
Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz
- Assoc. Prof. Joseph Barker
University of Leeds
- Asst. Prof. Zhaochu Luo
Peking University
- Asst. Prof. Jack C. Gartside
Imperial College London
- Prof. Eiji Saitoh
The Univeristy of Tokyo
- Prof. Masaki Mizuguchi
Nagoya University
- Prof. Shuichi Murakami
Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Prof. Shunsuke Fukami
Tohoku University
- Prof. Teruo Ono
Kyoto University
- tutorial
Dr. Jun'ichi Ieda
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
- Dr. Kei Yamamoto
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Tentative Program